Fragment 5 now available to order at Norman Records

Ok then. We DO have a new record out. Its official and no longer the figment of my imagination. The fact that its now for sale at Norman Records justifies its existence. There is no going back now.  The way things are going it will be our only record for quite some time. I have TOO many things going on, my collaboration with Jason Sweeney (Panoptique Electrical) will see a release this year, I’m in the midst of a new secret thing that I really hope gets off the ground soon. Meanwhile I’m learning the new version of Logic slowly but surely, frustratingly it is indeed a slow process but one I hope will reap rewards in due course. In the meantime Monopsone have  put another track up on Youtube so if you are wavering then have a listen and see whether it will push you one way or another.


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