Category Archives: News

The Declining Winter / epic45 tour NOVEMBER 2023

Ok so let’s cut to the quick… I like my bed. I spend an awful long time in it but I’m going to have to leave it in November as we’re going out on tour with epic45! We meant to … Continue reading

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Really Early, Really Late REVIEWS

I’ve been utterly terrible at updating this website and have pretty much ignored it during the entire period we had a new record out. I wouldn’t survive very long on Sony or whatever. Anyway here are just some of the … Continue reading

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Really early really late out now

Turns out I picked a good week to get locked out of my account. Hopefully you will have seen by now via social media and most of the national newspapers that our new album ‘really early really late’ is now … Continue reading

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Really Early, Really Late.

In case you wondered why we’ve announced our new album everywhere but here then it’s just for the prosaic reason that I got locked out of the account. Not sure if anyone reads websites now but just in case they … Continue reading

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Really Early, Really Late (single)

A starter if you will before the massive main course

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