Two Thousand And Fourteen

1496487_10151925668825886_379647742_oIts April. So we thought it was time for a quick update. We are not the type of group to constantly post on social media what we are up to so in comparison to those who are savvy at posting studio selfies it could seem like we are sitting around doing very little. In fact all our energies have been going into creating two.. yes TWO new records.

Our next full length is tentatively titled ‘Home For Lost Souls’, hoping for a vinyl release of this before the year is out/early next year at the latest. Still tweaking the odd thing here and there on that one. We also have a second mini LP length record of songs recorded around the same time which we are hoping to unleash either before or after the full length.

Further news will emerge as the year drags on.

In addition the next Memory Drawings album is due for release in August 2014 on Hibernate.

As usual no shows are planned. We may do something when the full length is out.

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