End of year stuff – merry christmas

Let’s face it, I’vphotoe been absolutely hopeless at keeping this website up to date this year. Or maintaining any kind of web presence. Be sure though that the time saved doing this has been used fruitfully in creating actual music….some of which saw the light this year.

Firstly thanks to all who bought ‘Lost Songs’ on tape and on the very limited CD version I did. Both of which have now sold out. I’m happy to make these CDs to order  – just email me and I’ll add you to the list and contact you when they are ready. You can also buy this album digitally on our Bandcamp page.

Also we were amazed by the response to the second Memory Drawings album ‘There Is No Perfect Place’. Thanks to all who bought it and said nice words. Copies with the bonus disc are still available from Norman Records or Hibernate’s Bandcamp.

Next year will see the release of the thing I’ve been working on for so long  – the new The Declining Winter album ‘Home For Lost Souls’. March is the release date and I’m told by the label that details will start emerging in the first couple of months of the year.  So watch out.

Thanks for keeping the faith with what we do.  Here’s a Songdrop mix of some Hood related stuff that has come out this year that you might be interested in and here’s our latest email update from early December .

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and new year



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